
【普羅米修斯】即將在6月6日上映~~~ 今年暑假,叱吒好萊塢多年並以產量與質量備受肯定與尊重的大導演雷利史考特,回歸由他立下典範的科幻動作冒險類型,即將打造一部具史詩氣勢的現代神話[普羅米修斯],以高質感3D帶領觀眾經歷一場壯闊的探險!本片敘述一群探險家進行太空探測時,發現了地球人類起源的線索,進而引領他們直探宇宙最黑暗的角落。為了整體人類未來的存亡關鍵,這群已脫離地球的探險家,在考驗意志力與耐力底線的同時,必須在浩翰的外太空面對一場驚心動魄的磅礡冒險!


查理哈洛威: Why are you......smiling?

費菲爾德: 這是一張星象圖
伊莉莎白蕭: 不,這不是一般的圖,這是份邀請函
費菲爾德: 誰發出來的?
Fifield: A star map?
Elizabeth Shaw: No, not a map, an invitation. (From Ridley Scott)
Fifield: From whom?

梅若迪絲 維克斯: 改朝換代,這是不可避免的
Meredith Vickers: A king has his reign, and then he dies. It's inevitable.

Prometheus has landed

大衛: 為了追尋答案,你願意花費多少心血?
David: How far would you go to get your answers?

伊莉莎白蕭: 我們以前都錯了!
Elizabeth Shaw: We were so wrong!

伊莉莎白蕭: 普羅米修斯,你們看到了嗎?
梅若迪絲 維克斯: 他們是對的...
Elizabeth Shaw: Prometheus, are you seeing this?
Meredith Vickers: They were right...
Janek: You wanted them to be wrong?

梅若迪絲 維克斯: 如果你下去那裡,你一定會死的。
Meredith Vickers: If you go down there, you're going to die.

亞尼佳: 那裡有一艘船,牠們正要離開
伊莉莎白蕭: 去哪裡?
亞尼佳: 地球
Janek: There's a ship. They're leaving.
Elizabeth Shaw: To go where?
Janek: Earth.

梅若迪絲 維克斯: 帶我們回家!
伊莉莎白蕭: 如果你們不阻止它,我們將會無家可歸!
Meredith Vickers: Take us home!
Elizabeth Shaw: If you don't stop it, there won't be any home to go back to!

查理哈洛威: 把牠弄走!把牠弄走!
Charlie Holloway: Cut it out! Cut it out!

大衛: 偉大始於渺小
David: Big things have small beginings.

Time as he grows old teaches all things.


內容參考自【普羅米修斯】電影預告片/ 【普羅米修斯 Prometheus】 - 中文官方網站



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