No. | 中/ 英文 經典名言 | 電影名稱 | 年份 |
1 | 我不想要存活下來,我想要好好地活下去。 | 瓦力 | 2008 |
I don't want to survive. I want to live! | Wall-E | ||
2 | 世界的美好並且值得我們去奮鬥。 | 魔戒 | 2001~03 |
That there's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for. | THE LORD OF THE RINGS | ||
3 | 我看得見你;我可以感受到你 | 阿凡達 | 2009 |
I see you. | AVATAR |
4 | 我的師父常說,把手握緊,裡面什麼也沒有;把手放開,你得到的是一切 !! | 臥虎藏龍 | 2000 |
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | |||
5 | 我給上帝一個機會讓我死,但是祂沒有,所以上帝是站在我這邊。 | 白色緞帶 | 2009 |
I gave God a chance to kill me. He didn't do it, so he's pleased with me. | The White Ribbon | ||
6 | 你不必為了做這個工作而逞強,但是逞強確實有幫助。 | 危機倒數 | 2009 |
You don't have to be a hero to do this job. But it helps. | The Hurt Locker | ||
7 | 每個選擇都可能毀了你的人生,也許往後你並不會知道,你也可能無法追溯到源頭,你只有一次機會可以完美地呈現出來。 | 紐約浮世繪 | 2008 |
You can destroy your life every time you choose. But maybe you wont know for twenty years. And you may never ever trace it to its source. And you only get one chance to play it out. | Synecdoche, New York | ||
8 | 我不知道善良的神會怎麼審判你。但是我知道來世如果再次遇見你,我將不會拒絕你。 | 寶萊塢生死戀 | 2002 |
I can't say how the gods of virtue will judge you. But, I do know if I meet you again, in another life, I will not be able to resist you. | Devdas | ||
9 | 妳所能學到最重要的事就是愛與被愛 | 紅磨坊 | 2001 |
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. | Moulin Rouge | ||
10 | 為後輩立下榜樣! | 大藝術家 | 2011 |
Make way for the young! | The Artist |