最近 MIB星際戰警3 的電影預告狂打廣告,其中有一幕威爾史密斯在車子裡面問年輕的K探員他的年紀有多大,外表看起來有點蒼老(台語叫"臭老")的"年輕的K探員"回答說29歲時,你知道威爾史密斯怎麼回他的嗎??
下面是MIB星際戰警3 的經典中英文台詞,想要知道原汁原味的英文內容是什麼嗎?,來這裡找就對了~~~
J探員: 我們是誰?
K探員: 我們誰都不是。我們的任務是監控在地球上的外星生物活動。
Agent J: Who are we?
Agent K: We are no-one. Our mission is to monitor extraterrestrial activity on Earth.
J探員: 好了,大家看這邊...
J探員: 當你們這些小孩在學校的園遊會贏了一小袋的金魚後帶回家,之後又不想要這個噁心的東西,把牠們丟進馬桶沖掉,就會發生這種狀況。
Agent J: All right, pay attention...
Agent J: Okay. You know how you kids won the goldfish in that little baggy at the school fair, and you didn't want that nasty thing in your house so you flushed it down the toilet? Well, this's what happened...
K探員: 這刺巴巴的東西是誰要的??
吳先生: 沒人要...
Agent K: Who's this Splky Bulba for?
Mr. Wu: Nobody...
K探員: 我對付這個都覺得自己老了
J探員: 我實在無法想像你的心情
Agent K: I am getting too old for this.
Agent J: [to K]I can only imagine how YOU feel.
J探員: 我在找K,你有看見他嗎? 有點嚴肅,老老的紳士,笑起來像這樣... [擺出撲克臉]
O: 這裡沒有 K 這個人,他己經死掉40多年了。
Agent J: K.....I'm looking for K, have you seen him? Sort of a surly, older gentleman, smiles like this... [J makes a poker face]
O: There is no K, he's been dead for over forty years.
O: 不知道為何歷史被改寫了,事出有因,K似乎是關鍵
O: Somehow history has been rewritten. There has to be a reason this is happening, and K seems to be in the centre of it...
J探員: 你得把我送回1969年
J探員: 老兄,認真的嗎!
外星人: 是的,我是說真的。
Agent J: You gotta send me back to 1969...
Alien: First, we gotta get high.
Agent J: My man, for real!
Alien: No, I mean really high.
外星人: 拿著這個,你唯一要做的就是往下跳。
J探員: 我才不要跳!
外星人: 穿越時空
Alien: [hands J a device] Here, take this, and all you have to do is jump.
Agent J: You want me to jump?
Alien: Time jump!
外星人: 你有24個小時,超過時間後就回不來了。
Alien: You got twenty-four hours, after that there is no coming back!
J探員: ...K?
年輕K探員: 你怎麼知道我的名字
Agent J: ...K?
Young Agent K: How do you know my name?
J探員: 我是星際戰警,來自未來。我們是夥伴。
Agent J: I am agent "Man In Black" but I am from the future. We are partner.
年輕K探員: 未來先生,我們去哪裡?
J探員: 首先,我需要配槍
J探員: 不,不是這個,我要太空槍
Young Agent K: Okay, future man, where to?
Agent J: First of all, I'm gonna need my gun.
Agent J: No no no, space gun!
年輕K探員: 未來有這玩意?
J探員: 這才像話!
Young Agent K: They have these in the future?
Agent J: That's what I'm talking about!
J探員: 我們已經快要沒有時間了,線索也快斷了,外星人即將入侵,所以我們要趕快行動。
年輕K探員: 好啊
Agent J: We're running out of time, we're running out of clues, and there's an invasion
coming, so really we need to go right now!
Young Agent K: [deadpan] All right.
J探員: 老兄,你多大年紀?
年輕K探員: 29歲
J探員: 你看起來很 "臭老"。
Agent J: Hey man, heck, how old are you?
Young Agent K: Twenty-nine.
Agent J: You got some city miles on you... ---> 這個形容詞應該會考倒一大堆人!!